The famed Sensaphonics Gold Circle Music Audiology Master Class is now available for Doctorate of Audiology university programs to integrate into their hearing conservation curriculum or offer as a special topic lecture. The course is a deep dive into the evidence-based knowledge, skills, and practices required for successful outcomes when working with musicians, sound engineers, crew, and concert-goers.
This comprehensive course covers a wide range of topics and includes over 5 hours of streaming video. The core course content is available for viewing for two weeks and includes ample time to view (and review) the content with their students. (Note: This two week window begins upon logging into the course webpage for the first tiem, not from the time of purchase.) The course must be re-purchased for each viewing (annually, bi-annually, etc.). Once your students have completed their Au.D. degrees, they will be eligible to take a discounted refresher version of the course to join the Sensaphonics Gold Circle as a clinical audiologist.
In addition to the core content, the course includes video content regarding the complete Sensaphonics portfolio of hearing health products and how to make proper product recommendations for musicians based on their listening needs. There is also a section on marketing strategies for developing and maintaining a presence in the music scene as an audiologist. This content will remain available on the course website with no time restrictions and are accompanied by downloadable materials for students to use as ongoing resources.
We recommended supplementing this course with a hands-on earmold impression lab with your students.
For University Audiologists, Professors:
Each purchase of the course qualifies one of the university’s on-staff clinical audiologists to join the Sensaphonics Gold Circle. Gold Circle audiologists are listed on the Sensaphonics website as one of our preferred providers for musician patients. This will help direct musician patients towards your on-campus hearing clinic and give your students a chance to practice these skills in-person.
The Gold Circle video content is presented in a convenient chapter format, as follows:
For the audiologist to earn their Gold Circle certification, they must:
Once these requirements are completed and reviewed by our team, the university's selected audiologist will be notified of their acceptance into the Sensaphonics Gold Circle of Music Audiologists. We are happy to provide ongoing support for you and your students as you begin to offer music audiology services at you on-campus clinic.